Friday, August 15, 2008

The Trend of Thrifting
Is thrifting ending? Sadly, I was just thinking this today as I came from two local thrift shops. I've noticed the prices are up and the nice vintage items are down. I to love to buy clothing for the fabric to use in craft items AND it's reusing/recycling (love to do that!) and cheaper than buying fabric in fabric shops. I did find a vintage apron today that I just couldn't resist for $1. Guess it's back to the yard sales & church rummage sales (love those!) My grandmother and I used to go to all the local church sales all the time and we got great items for giveaway prices. (Besides, churches around here love to do the "all the clothing you can stuff in a wal-mart bag for $1"). Great place to get fabric!

My mother-in-law has to be the Queen of Yard Sales though if there ever was one! I mean this is the woman who bought an almost brand-new car at a yard sale! It's a little hard to beat something like that.

Thrift stores are great places to find items to paint on too. I have found old chargers before that weren't very nice-looking for using at your dinner table BUT made great surfaces to do decorative painting on. There's something that makes me feel good about giving new life to an old item...maybe it makes me feel like it's my part of being "green". lol, even if it's just a small thing.

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